The international round table on the topic “The value of attention” took place on the ALLATRA TV, on May 27, 2021, at 16:00 GMT.
Questions for discussion:
- What is attention? Examples with experiments
- Personality. How to manage your attention properly?
- How important is the collective investment of attention in a common goal?
At the international online conference ”Life After Death. Fiction and facts” on May 22, 2021, scientists and specialists in the fields of medicine, psychology, physics and others, for the first time honestly answered the most important questions for humankind: who a human is and what awaits us after the death of the physical body. After this event, people from different countries of the world consider it important to research some subjects in more detail, because this is necessary on the way of building a Creative Society.
During the round table, Tetiana Zinchenko shared her research on the phenomenon of attention as an example of how the perception and self-perception of a player with an Internet gaming addiction changes.
The value and uniqueness of human attention was examined by specialists from different fields: physics, economics and psychology.
Other speakers presented the results of experiments:
- Dr. G.P. Krohalev, psychiatrist, on the perception of true hallucinations;
- Alan Richardson’s experiments on changes in the brain in fMRI studies in those participants who performed an action compared to those who only imagined the action in their minds
- famous experiments of quantum physics about collapse of wave function when observing an elementary particle and quantum entanglement.
All above mentioned experiments and researches prove information-field nature of consciousness and thoughts, as well as the fact that human attention possesses great power. Each person has both the freedom and the responsibility to distribute his or her attention. We can devote our attention to certain processes and information and ignore others. This is how we shape not only our inner state, but also ourselves and our future destiny. This is the value of attention.