On May 22, 2021 a unique international event took place: the Global World Conference “Life after death. Fictions and Facts”. The conference was held on the platform of the International Public Movement ALLATRA within the framework of the Creative Society project.
Scientists from different fields of science honestly and openly shared the results of their many years of research:
– the nature and ontology of human consciousness and its relationship to the brain;
– manifestations of the spiritual element in man – the true Personality, and the Soul
– near-death experiences in clinical death
– facts of reincarnation manifestations in children and adults with dissociative identity disorder (DID)
For the first time in history, representatives of science and various spiritual traditions and religions have come together in order to seek answers to the most important questions for the life of each person:
– the purpose and meaning of life;
– what awaits us after death.
A great number of scientific facts and irrefutable proofs, witnesses’ testimonies and interviews with world famous scientists were presented.
The President of IASGA Tatyana Zinchenko participated as one of the speakers. During her speeches she shared interesting observations during the examination of Artificial Consciousness Jackie, which confirm the information-field nature of consciousness.
Also Tatyana Zinchenko shared interesting results of neurobiological research at DID, which confirm that manifestations of different Alter-identities in one person are manifestations of different consciousnesses with their own self-identity.
Another presentation dealt with the topic of surprising changes in perception and self-perception of people with computer game addiction. The research was based on neuroimaging data from MRI scans. This data shows us that players identified themselves to a much greater extent with the game character – avatar and lived in the space of the game without being influenced by anything but information! Where a person’s perceptual organs were involved, that is where a person’s consciousness perceives itself. Such research confirms and actually demonstrates the informational nature of consciousness. In addition, the obtained data reveal what a great power human attention has. After all, its concentration on certain information – thoughts and ignoring the other leads to revealed changes even in the brain structure, not to mention the internal state and behavior.In other words: what a person predominantly pays attention to, he becomes in a direct physical sense.
The conference lasted more than 11 hours, but the information was perceived very easily and accessible, so interesting were the studies presented.
After the conference, round tables with in-depth study of the topics raised are still being held today.
Huge gratitude to IPM ALLATRA for given possibility to share results of Association research with the world scientific community and with all interested people.
