Global Live Conference on Stress, Depression & Anxiety Management, February 19-20, 2022
Members of the International Association for the Study of Game Addictions took part at the Global Live Conference on Stress, Depression & Anxiety Management, held on February 19-20, 2022.
Tetiana Zinchenko, President, International Association for the study of game addictions (IASGA), gave a presentation on the title ‘Emotional dysregulation and stress in Gambling disorder (GD) and Internet gaming disorder (IGD).’
During the conference, participants worldwide and from professional fields shared their research findings and clinical experiences.
During the conference, participants worldwide and from professional fields shared their research findings and clinical experiences. After the presentations, there was a fascinating discussion about innovative methods for diagnosing stress, anxiety & depression levels, changes in physiological parameters, and brain activity using developments in artificial intelligence.
The participants also shared their experience in psychotherapy, treatment, and training in self-control skills.
The conference was attended by:
Dr. Paige Elizabeth Roberts, On Point Performance Neuro Training LLC, USA
Dr. Prakash Palanivelu, Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia
Psychologist Anushka Singh, Genleap, India
Prof. Dr. Sampoornam. W, Dhanvantri College of Nursing, India
Dr. Joao Alexandre Lobo Marques, University of Saint Joseph, China
Aline Kegler, Federal University of Santa Maria, Brazil
Keith Coney, Keith Coney Life Support, Australia
Sandip Varkey George, University College London, London
Dr. Erna Marina Kusuma, Vier Psychology Services, Indonesia
K. Jothilakshmi, Dhanvantri college of Nursing, India