IASGA participants attended the ANNUAL WORLD CONGRESS ON PSYCHIATRY on JULY 11, 2022.
At the congress, they presented the results of their research on the topic:
Depression and suicide risk in GD, IGD, and online social network sites (SNS) addiction. Emotional distress, altered states of consciousness, and negative psychosocial consequences are conditions for developing this comorbid psychopathology.
The Congress united professionals and researchers from all over the world:
- Maria Isabel Garcia-Planas, Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña, Spain
- Cecilia Cheng, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
- Tetiana Zinchenko, IASGA, Switzerland
- Magnus S. Magnusson, University of Iceland, Iceland
- Lely Setyawati Kurniawan, Udayana University Rectorate, Indonesia
- Marie-Odile Soyer-Gobillard, National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS), France
- Montserrat Monserrat Hernández, University of Almería, Spain
- Juana Pinar-Sanchez, Meseguer General University Hospital morales, Spain
- Anna Cornelia Beyer, University of Hull, United Kingdom
- Sumit Kumar, ISF College of Pharmacy, India
- Fernanda Schier De Fraga, Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná, Curitiba Campus, Brazil
- Ricardo Orozco Solis, National Institute of Genomic Medicine, Mexico
Experts from the field of mental health shared the results of their research on the diagnosis, pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of mental disorders: various types of addictions, bipolar disorder, depression, autism, and schizophrenia.
Speakers noted the increase in mental illness in the world in the last ten years, especially depression and addictions: online gambling, internet gambling disorder, social media addiction, eating disorders, alcohol, and other SUDs, and behavioural addictions.
During a productive scientific discussion after the presentations, conference participants insisted on the need for further in-depth research into these mental disorders.
Based on joint research interests, the participants tentatively agreed to conduct collaborative research.