Online conference on the topic: “Comorbid psychopathology in case of GD, IGD and online SNS addiction. Clinical, neurobiological and social preconditions of comorbid psychopathology“

Online conference on the topic: “Comorbid psychopathology in case of GD, IGD and online SNS addiction. Clinical, neurobiological and social preconditions of comorbid psychopathology“

Online conference on the topic: “Comorbid psychopathology in case of gambling addiction (GD), internet gaming addiction (IGD) and online social networking sites (SNS) addiction. Clinical, neurobiological and social preconditions of comorbid psychopathology“ will be held on December 6, 2020 

at 10 a.m. (GMT-5 ) New York time,

at 3 p.m. (GMT) London time,

at 4 p.m.(GMT+1) Central European Time (CET)  and Morocco time,

at 5 p.m. (GMT+2) time Greece, Ukraine, Egypt, Lebanon, Sudan, 

at 5 p.m. (GMT+2) South Africa time,

at 6 p.m. (GMT+3) Moscow time and Ethiopia, Kenya, Saudi Arabia time,

at 7 p.m. (GMT+4) UAE time.

It is well known that people with gambling addiction and with internet gaming disorders both suffer from other mental disorders too. The current work represents and analyzes interconnection, temporal sequence and risk of development of other mental disorders in individuals with GD and IGD.

The conducted meta-analysis and reviews of internet addiction studies, which included IGD and SNS addiction, reveal a high degree of correlation between IGD and anxiety 92%, with depression 89%, with ADHD Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 85%, with social phobia/anxiety and obsessive-compulsive symptoms 75%. In the gambling addiction case, the highest comorbidity was found with psychoactive substance use up to 57.5 – 72%; with mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder) 37.9-60%; with anxiety disorder 37.4-63%; with personality disorders 25-93% of players. Thus, psychoactive substance dependence is 5-6 times higher and the incidence of anxiety and mood disorders is 3 times higher in individuals with GD compared to the General population.

As for the time sequence, few longitudinal studies have found a bi-directional relationship between comorbid mental disorder and the severity of addiction symptoms. more than half of the patients had clinically significant symptoms of the comorbid psychopathology after the start of the game and the formation of a particular behavioral dependence.

Gambling addiction (GD), Internet gaming addiction (IGD) and online social networking sites (SNS) addiction can form in individuals without mental disorders, as well as in people with mental disorders at the subclinical or clinical level. In the first case, comorbid psychopathology was added in the process of aggravating the symptoms of addiction, and in the second, symptoms of comorbid psychopathology increased and worsened. But when healthy life activity was restored, the severity of symptoms of accompanying mental disorders also decreased.

But as a result, new mental disorders are added, or existing ones are aggravated. The question is not in any particularly vulnerable group of people. This study also shows that information game and network technologies are the main risk factor for the development of these behavioral dependencies and comorbid psychopathology, up to suicidal behavior.

 The following issues will be considered during the online conference:

  1. General overview of the problem of game dependencies and online social networking sites (SNS) in modern society:
  • prevalence among different population groups;
  • the main risk factors for the development of game dependencies (GD and IGD) nline social networking sites (SNS) .
  • negative psychosocial consequences;
  • peculiarities of the clinical course;
  • the most common types of comorbid psychopathology in game addiction.

2. Interconnection between hese behavioral dependencies and

  • dependence on the use of psychoactive substances (alcohol, drugs);
  • mood disorders (depression and bipolar disorder);
  • anxiety disorders;
  • personality disorders;
  • sleep disruption;
  • attention defificit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and others.

3. Emotional dysregulation and chronic distress as prerequisites for the development of depression, anxiety disorders and social phobias.

4. Suggestions for effective preventive measures of game dependencies (GD and IGD). Practical implementation steps.

5. Proposals of participants to conduct relevant joint research.

Specialists and researchers who somehow or other face the problem of gaming addiction in their professional activity are invited to participate in the online conference: psychiatrists, psychotherapists, psychologists, neurobiologists, sociologists, lawyers, teachers, etc..

You may apply for participation with a report on a topic based on the results of your research or clinical observations, lasting no longer than 15 minutes.

To do this, you can send a letter to the e-mail of the Association, indicating in the line: topic: Report to the online conference. Please specify in the letter:

1) Name and surname

2) Country

3) Professional specialization and academic title (if any)

4) Topic of the report

Dear colleagues, we invite you to participate in a constructive dialogue on one of the global problems of our time, to which, unfortunately, society has not formed a serious critical attitude.

We look forward to your participation and experience exchange.


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