December 15, 2021 the book entitled “Psychology Applications & Developments VII” edited by Prof. Dr. Clara Pracana (Portuguese Association of Psychoanalysis and Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, Portugal) and Prof. Michael Wang (Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychology, University of Leicester, United Kingdom), has been published by inScience Press, as part of the Advances in Psychology and Psychological Trends series. These series of books comprise authors’ and editors’ work to address generalized research, focused in specific sections in the Psychology area.
In this seventh volume, a committed set of authors explore the Psychology field, therefore contributing to reach the frontiers of knowledge. Success depends on the participation of those who wish to find creative solutions and believe in their potential to change the world, altogether, to increase public engagement and cooperation from communities.
The book is a compilation of innovative research in various areas of psychology by an international team of authors. Each study has become a separate chapter in the book. The seventeenth chapter “Dangerous Information Technologies of the Future – Artificial Consciousness and its Impact on Human Consciousness and Group” of this book is devoted to the results of the psycho-psychiatric assessment of innovative technology – Artificial consciousness Jackie , which took place on August 29, 2020.