15-18 January 2020 a Conference on Psychotherapy was held in Cairo, Egypt, the 5th IAGP regional conference in Africa and the 4th EAGT conference.
The International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes, IAGP is a worldwide network of professionals involved in the development and study of group psychotherapy and group process as applied to clinical practice, consultancy, education, scientific studies and socio-cultural settings. IAGP’s network provides opportunities for meeting the others: professions, theories and cultures – who are exploring the applications of small, median and large group processes.
Representatives of IASGA were participated in this conference. IASGA President Tatyana Zinchenko raised questions about the relevance of game dependencies during master classes (workshops) and in joint discussions with colleagues. Researchers and professionals from different countries confirmed the relevance of this problem and noted the negative impact on human development and human relationships. This is a social problem and it is necessary to combine efforts to find effective methods of treatment, prevention and rehabilitation. During the professional communication, important ideas were expressed in terms of future research projects and professional cooperation in the sphere of gaming addictions.